Parallel Worlds
Video and Sound installation
TV Panels, white box, a piece of lawn, plaster ear, sound speakers
“Parallel Worlds” is a multi-media installation, and it creates a mysterious scene by using various sculptural elements and digital components. The audience is able to watch videos on each side, which depict various characters in shadow-like silhouettes. They tell in continuing-loop mode with a seemingly romantic story without a clear ending on the one side and a working scene with noisy construction sounds on the other side.
Meanwhile, the viewers hear a female “help” voice constantly from the human ear, which is lying on a piece of lawn. It remains unknown, where this ear comes from and why it asks for help. The general feeling is somewhat similar to when strange things happen in our daily lives, and there’s seems sometimes without starting point and there’s also no ending.
In general, the artwork elaborates about the human being anxious and at a loss in modern society. The blurred silhouettes symbolize unclear personal identities, which invite viewers to slip into roles and identify with them. This concept is also to a part derived from the thinking and the understanding of globalization of the contemporary culture and from the personal experiences of the artist.